Are Shock Collars Safe? Here’s What Vets Want You to Know

Few dog training tools spark more debate than shock collars. Some swear by them for curbing bad behaviour, while others see them as unnecessary or even harmful. So, where do vets stand on the issue?

High-quality dog collars come in many forms, but shock collars have been around for decades, often used to address excessive barking or recall training. But as dog training methods change, so does the conversation around their safety and effectiveness. This blog takes a close look at whether vets recommend them—and why some may caution against their use.

What is a Shock Collar?

Shock collars, also known as electronic collars or e-collars, are training devices that deliver a stimulus—usually a small electric pulse—to a dog’s neck. They’re typically used for behaviour correction, recall training, or suppressing excessive barking.

How Do They Work?

Most shock collars come with a handheld remote or an automatic sensor. The idea is that when a dog misbehaves, the owner presses a button (or the collar reacts to barking) to deliver a sensation meant to discourage the behaviour. Many models offer different levels of stimulation, ranging from a mild vibration to a stronger pulse.

Types of Shock Collars

Not all shock collars work the same way. Here’s how they differ:

  • Remote Training Collars: These give the owner control over when and how strong the correction is. Often used in off-head training or for working dogs.
  • Anti-Bark Collars: As the name suggests, these collars react to barking, automatically delivering a stimulus to discourage excessive noise. Some use vibration or sound instead of a shock.
  • Invisible Fence Collars: Used for containment, these collars send a signal when a dog gets too close to a set boundary, giving a warning beep before applying a correction.

While some models offer features like tone or vibration before resorting to a shock, they all rely on some form of discomfort to influence behaviour. The big question is—are they actually good for your dog?

How Do Shock Collars Work?

Shock collars use electrical stimulation to get a dog’s attention or discourage unwanted behaviour. They come with different intensity settings, allowing owners to adjust the level—from a mild tingling to a stronger jolt. Some models also offer vibration or sound cues as a way of warning the dog before a shock is applied.

These collars are usually marketed for two main purposes: training and containment. In training, they’re used to correct behaviours like excessive barking or ignoring commands. The idea is that the dog associates the unpleasant sensation with the unwanted action, teaching them to stop doing it over time.

For containment, shock collars are often part of invisible fence systems. So when a dog approaches the boundary, the collar first emits a warning sound or vibration. If they keep going, a shock follows, teaching them to stay within the designated area.

While they’re marketed as a quick fix, training with shock collars will still require consistency, correct timing, and an understanding of the dog’s behaviour. The way dogs perceive and respond to this kind of correction can also vary a lot. That’s why there’s plenty of debate around their effectiveness and whether they’re actually a good choice for training.

Do Vets Recommend Shock Collars?

Ask most vets, and the answer is a firm no. Shock collars are widely discouraged by veterinary professionals and animal welfare organisations, including the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA). The main concern? They rely on discomfort—or even pain—to change behaviour, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and fear-based responses in dogs.

Instead of discouraging learning, shock collars can make dogs more reactive, especially if they don’t really understand why they’re being corrected. That’s why vets and trainers typically recommend positive reinforcement methods, which build on the trust between the owner and the dog rather than relying on fear.

That being said, there are a few cases where a vet might consider a shock collar—usually for very specific training needs, like keeping a working dog safe from life-threatening dangers. Even then, it would only be under expert supervision, with a focus on minimising harm. But for the average pet? Vets agree there are far better (and kinder) ways to train.

Are Shock Collars Worth the Risk?

Shock collars might promise quick results, but the potential downsides are hard to ignore. Plenty of vets and animal welfare organisations warn against using them due to the following concerns:

Physical and Emotional Harm

These collars work by delivering an electric pulse, and while some claim it’s just a “mild” sensation, pain is still pain—especially for a dog that doesn’t even understand why it’s happening. Even low-level shocks can cause stress, fear, and anxiety, which can lead to more behavioural problems instead of solving them. Some dogs become withdrawn or fearful, while others may react aggressively, associating the pain with their surroundings rather than their actions.

Animal Welfare Concerns

Groups like the RSPCA and AVA oppose shock collars as they cause stress, confusion, and long-term behavioural issues. Dogs trained with aversive methods often display distress, higher cortisol levels, and avoidance behaviours. Training based on fear rather than understanding sets dogs up to fail.

Misuse and Overuse

Shock collars are easy to misuse, even with good intentions. Timing must be perfect for a dog to make the right connection, but most owners struggle with this. Too much intensity or inconsistent use can cause confusion and worsen behaviour. Some dogs can even become desensitised, leading owners to increase the shock—only making things worse.

Training Your Dog Without the Shock

Positive Reinforcement Training

Reward-based training focuses on encouraging good behaviour rather than punishing mistakes. Using treats, praise, or favourite toys helps dogs understand what you want without fear or stress. This approach leads to better long-term results as it builds on your trust and makes learning more enjoyable.

Other Training Tools

Head collars and front-clip harnesses give you more control without causing discomfort, especially for dogs that pull on the lead. Consistent leash training teaches dogs to walk calmly without needing harsh corrections. For recall training, long leads let dogs explore while still being safely guided back.

Professional Help

Another option is hiring a qualified dog trainer or behaviourist to tailor a training plan that suits your dog’s personality and needs. They can spot underlying issues that might be causing problem behaviours and show you effective, humane solutions. Getting expert guidance early on can save you and your dog a lot of frustration in the long run.

What the Experts Say

Electric shock collars are harmful and unnecessary.

Animal welfare groups, including the RSPCA and AVA, strongly oppose electric shock collars. These devices can cause pain, stress, and long-term behavioural issues. “The shock is light, sure, but it’s still an electric shock. They are used as punishment and nothing good comes out of it,” said veterinarian Dr Scott Miller. He recommends positive reinforcement or consulting a professional for behavioural issues.

Legal restrictions on shock and prong collars in Australia.

Electric shock collars are banned in several Australian states, with some exceptions for containment systems. The AVA also calls for a nationwide ban on prong collars due to their harmful effects. Legal restrictions vary, so it’s important to check local laws.

The risks of choke chains, prong collars, and invisible fences.

Choke chains and prong collars can cause physical harm and increase anxiety. Invisible fence collars should only be used with clear boundary markers and professional guidance if a dog struggles to stay within limits. Experts warn that these methods can do more harm than good.

Positive reinforcement is still the best training method.

Reward-based training strengthens the bond between dogs and their owners while preventing fear and aggression. Punishment-based tools, including shock collars, are less effective and can actually worsen behaviour problems.

When Might a Shock Collar Be Considered?

Some professionals may consider shock collars for very specific cases, usually as a last resort when other training methods have failed. This is typically for serious behavioural issues, such as dogs with extreme prey drive or those at risk of harming themselves or others.

Even in these cases, the use of shock collars should be under strict professional supervision. Experts emphasise that improper use can reinforce unwanted behaviours, and positive reinforcement should always be prioritised before resorting to harsh methods.

Lessons from Experience

An example of a real-world experience comes from Maureen Morgan, an Auckland dog owner, who shared her story on the Doggy Dan website.

Maureen used a shock collar on her Doberman, Cooper, to stop his barking, but the results were disastrous. The initial shock sent him into a panic, causing him to yelp, run in circles, and attack her other dog Apollo. Each yelp triggered another shock, amplifying the chaos into a violent struggle that left both dogs injured and in need of vet treatment.

Dog trainer Dan Abdelnoor, also known as Doggy Dan and founder of The Online Dog Trainer, shares this concern. He stresses the need to assess each dog’s temperament and training needs before choosing any method and advocates for positive, reward-based training instead.

What This Means for You and Your Dog

If you’ve ever dealt with a stubborn barker or a dog that just won’t listen, you know how tempting a quick fix can be. But vets and behaviourists warn that shock collars aren't the answer—in many cases, they can cause stress, fear, and even aggression, making things worse instead of better. Reward-based training not only works, but is an excellent way to build trust and a stronger bond between you and your dog.

If you’re hitting a training roadblock, there are better ways to tackle it. A vet or professional trainer can help you find methods that suit your dog’s personality—without the risk of harm.

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