
Long or Short Leash? Finding the Right Fit for Your Dog

Long or Short Leash? Finding the Right Fit for ...

Ever tried juggling a coffee, your phone, and a dog leash when your dog suddenly decides to chase after a bird? It’s moments like these where leash length really comes into play....

How to Stop Your Dog From Doing a Runner Off-Leash

How to Stop Your Dog From Doing a Runner Off-Leash

There’s nothing quite like that split-second realisation that your dog has taken off and has absolutely no intention of stopping—while your dog leash hangs limp in your hand.

Do Dogs Sleep Better on Elevated Beds?

Do Dogs Sleep Better on Elevated Beds?

Raised dog beds promise better airflow, joint support, and a cooler sleeping spot—but are they really better, or just another trend? While some dogs will sleep just about anywhere, others...

Where Should Your Dog’s Bed Go—Living Room or Bedroom?

Where Should Your Dog’s Bed Go—Living Room or B...

You’ve set up the perfect cosy spot for your dog’s bed, but your pup still rotates between the couch, the rug, and that one sunny spot on the floor. So,...

Does Your Dog Actually Need a Bed, or Is the Floor Fine?

Does Your Dog Actually Need a Bed, or Is the Fl...

Ever bought your dog a fancy new bed, only to find them stretched out on the hard floor? You’re not alone. Dogs have a way of keeping us guessing, especially...

Are Shock Collars Safe? Here’s What Vets Want Y...

Few dog training tools spark more debate than shock collars. Some swear by them for curbing bad behaviour, while others see them as unnecessary or even harmful. So, where do...